Community Events Calendar September 1 to September 8 | Community |

2022-09-02 23:23:24 By : Ms. Daisy Zhang

The “Welcome to Verona” signs — as well as some of the water towers — use Verona’s adopted slogan, Hometown USA.

The “Welcome to Verona” signs — as well as some of the water towers — use Verona’s adopted slogan, Hometown USA.

The following events are set to take place between Thursday, Sept. 1 and Thursday, Sept. 8. 

10 a.m., Thursdays, Sept. 1-29

New Senior Center class starting in September. Senior Slugger is a 45-minute boxing and strength class that is specialized for older adults. This will focus on coordination, balance, and strength. All equipment will be provided. This class will be led by certified instructor Jess Ammann. The first month will be free. If you are interested in participating, please sign up online or call 608-845-7471.

Badger Prairie Needs Network new volunteer orientation

1:30-3 p.m., Thursday, September 1

Overview of BPNN, its mission, culture, programs, opportunities to get involved, and how to sign up for shifts. At 1200 E. Verona Ave.

Music: Old Black Joe and Friends

5-8 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 1

OBJ and Friends to bring smooth blues and rock to the park stage! No carry ins. Hosted by My Tipsy Gypsy, Molino Taqueria, The Hop Garden and Sugar River Outfitters.

Natural Path Sanctuary- Creative Dying Game

6-7:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 1

You are invited to come to the Farley Center / Natural Path Sanctuary for an evening of connection and meaningful conversation with the Creative Dying Card Game. This event will be hosted by Megan and Ryan Miller at the picnic tables in the Bur Oak Welcoming Area of Farley Center, 2299 Spring Rose Road. The Creative Dying Card Game is a conversation card game with the intention of offering a low-stakes, accessible way to have meaningful conversations about life and death. The game includes 176 question prompts to help inspire self-reflection and conversation. This event is open to all, no experience or preparation necessary. Water and tea will be provided, feel free to bring a cup and anything else that might help you be comfortable during your time together. You can learn more and check out the game at $5-10 donations are encouraged but not required.

5-6 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 1

Upper Sugar River Watershed Association will be hosting weekly meet-ups for Dragonfly Monitors and those interested in dragonflies throughout the summer. Board President Robert Bohanan will help you to identify dragonflies found around the pond and will answer any questions you may have about monitoring. On Sept. 1, meet at Badger Mill Creek at Town of Verona Town Hall, 7669 County Road PD.

6:30-8:30 p.m., Thursdays, Sept. 1 and Sept. 8

Trivia at Hop Haus, 231 S. Main St.

7 p.m., Thursdays, Sept. 1 and Sept. 8

Trivia at Boulder Brewpub, 950 Kimball Lane.

5-8 p.m., Friday, Sept. 2

Eugene Gruber live in the park! Acoustic memories of classic rock, country and blues. No carry ins. Hosted by My Tipsy Gypsy, Molino Taqueria, The Hop Garden and Sugar River Outfitters. 6890 Paoli Road

6-9 p.m., Friday, Sept. 2

The Birddog of this Madison-area quartet is harmonica player and singer Ken Olufs (formerly of The Jimmys), joined by a trio of fellow music scene mainstays: guitarist Mel Ford (The Maintainers, Westside Andy/Mel Ford Band), bassist Tom McCarty (Big Wes Turner's Trio, The Sparks Band), and drummer Mark Haines (The Midwesterners, and longtime Smart Studios engineer). At Wisconsin Brewing Company, 1079 American Way.

Yoga at The Mill in Paoli

$15 per class. Bring your own mat. Weather permitting.

Badger Prairie Needs Network new volunteer orientation

9-10:30 a.m., Saturday, Sept. 3

Overview of BPNN, its mission, culture, programs, opportunities to get involved, and how to sign up for shifts. At 1200 E. Verona Ave.

Noon to 3 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 3

Valhalla Hobby will be demoing Rumbleslam, the game of Fantasy Wrestling. Rumbleslam can be played by 2-4 players and uses a 1ft x 1ft board for the wrestling ring. They will have two demo teams available for players to learn to play with. 535 Half Mile Road

Public Tour of Heartland Farm Sanctuary

1-2 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 3

Heartland Farm Sanctuary, 11713 MidTown Road, will open for public tours. Tours are 50 minutes long and are for ages 5 and up. The fee is $12/person and all guests (including kids 5 and older) must be registered one at a time. All guests must sign our visitor waiver before arriving at the sanctuary (parents sign on behalf of their children).

1-4 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 3

Noah Hittner sets the outdoor music scene at The Mill Paoli! Enjoy rock and smooth electronic paired with beer, wine and spirits! No food/drink carry ins. Hosted by My Tipsy Gypsy, Molino Taqueria, The Hop Garden and Sugar River Outfitters. 6890 Paoli Road

Bluegrass Jam on the Riley Yard

1-4 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 3

Music has been part of the culture out at the Riley Tavern since the 1880s. Former Riley Tavern owner Vale Beard introduced the bluegrass jam in the early 1980s and they look forward to continuing the tradition on the Yard this Summer! Come out to enjoy, or if you are a musician – participate in the jam. Riley Tavern, 8205 Klevenville Riley Road.

Music: Fiddle & The Foragers

1-4 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 3

This is Fiddle & The Foragers' last free show this summer, and their last show with their fiddle player, Elspeth, before orchestra season begins. Come and enjoy a pint (or two) in Wisconsin Brewing Company's taproom or backyard bar, 1079 American Way. The brewery is kid and dog-friendly. They do not offer food service onsite, but you are welcome to order delivery from one of the local restaurants! Fiddle and the Foragers has teamed up to bring you original folk songs and covers, full of haunting harmonies and laced with bluegrass undertones.

Free, casual Moonstone play day. There will be models available for new players to learn to play with. At Valhalla Hobby, 535 Half Mile Road

5-8 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 3

Head to the Mill Paoli for an evening of rock, country, folk, pop, blues, jazz & originals. The Trophy Husbands know how to rock! No carry ins. Hosted by My Tipsy Gypsy, Molino Taqueria, The Hop Garden and Sugar River Outfitters. 6890 Paoli Road

6-8 p.m., Saturday, Sept. 3

Ced Ba'etch' is a Madison based french expatriate guitar player/singer. His guitar picking is an alternating bass melodic fingerstyle and his vast repertoire encompasses Hawaiian slack key, americana 'big thumb' guitar, 1920's country blues, movie soundtracks, french pop music of the past and Parisian waltz as well as original material. At Paoli Schoolhouse, 6857 Paoli Road.

Paoli Art in the Park

The Southern Wisconsin Art Guild, Inc. is set to host a fine art fair next weekend, which will feature local and regional artists showcasing original art in a variety of mediums, including wood, glass, jewelry, painting, fiber, photography, ceramics, and metal sculpture. Many of the artists have participated in other premier area shows including the Art Fairs On and Off the Square, Agora Art Fair, and the Spring Green Art Fair. The fair takes place on Saturday, Sept. 3 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday, Sept. 4 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Paoli Park, 1367 County Road PB. The Southern Wisconsin Art Guild is an organization of artists and art supporters whose mission is to further the common good and the general welfare of the public in the communities of southern Wisconsin, by supporting the visual arts and providing opportunities and support for artists, according to a news release. For more information about the fair including a list of vendors, visit

9 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 4

Join on Sundays for a Farmers Market at The Mill Paoli! Enjoy fresh produce, goods from local vendors, delicious food, & unique finds at the weekly market.

10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 4

Minor Changes, a 5 piece combo including trumpet, guitar, bass, drums, sax, and keyboard, to rock the Mill Paoli. Enjoy accessible jazz, standards, originals, blues, and more. No carry ins. Hosted by My Tipsy Gypsy, Molino Taqueria, The Hop Garden and Sugar River Outfitters. 6890 Paoli Road

11 a.m. to noon, Sunday, Sept. 4

Join at Kismet Books, 101 N. Main St., for Kid's Storytime. While the kiddos enjoy stories, coloring, and basic crafts, parents are invited to have some complimentary tea and browse our large selection of children’s books.

Casual, $10 Booster Draft Armory event. 30min draft followed by up to 3 (40min) rounds. Up to 16 players. Each player will be provided 3 packs. Armory promos will be given as prizes. Promos will be available to pick up from Valhalla Hobby after the event. If the armory kit has not arrived by the time of the event, they will be given out retroactively when the kit does arrive. At 535 Half Mile Road.

2-5 p.m., Sunday, Sept. 4

Jenna Hufford to take the stage at The Mill in Paoli! Enjoy country and rock, cold beer and spirits, and delicious nosh! No carry ins. Hosted by My Tipsy Gypsy, Molino Taqueria, The Hop Garden and Sugar River Outfitters. 6890 Paoli Road

1-4 p.m., Monday, Sept. 5

Alpha Romeos to ROCK the stage at the Mill Paoli! Get ready to dance! No carry ins. Hosted by My Tipsy Gypsy, Molino Taqueria, The Hop Garden and Sugar River Outfitters. 6890 Paoli Road.

Music and Movement Story Time

10-11 a.m., Tuesday, Sept. 6

Join at the library for singing, dancing, instruments, and stories in this active story time for children and their caregivers. Ages 1-5. Masks are encouraged. Register online.

If you are seeking to creatively help your community, a sewing, knitting and crocheting group might be of interest. Community members are invited to put their talents and compassion into action by using their needles or hooks to create items like hats, mittens, quilts and tote bags, according to the Verona Senior Center newsletter. The group meets at the center, 108 Paoli St. The Helpers’ mission is to enhance warmth, safety and comfort for those less fortunate in the community by donating the creations to local nonprofit agencies. For information, contact project coordinator Kate Seal at 608- 310–7280 or

A group of people who support each other in all stages of caregiving. All caregivers or former caregivers are welcome. Both in-person at the Senior Center, 108 Paoli St. and virtually. Call 608-845-7471 for more information.

Town of Verona board meeting

Town Hall – 7669 County Highway PD

City of Verona plan commission meeting

Trivia at Hodge Podge, 160 Keenan Court.

6:30-8:30 p.m., Tuesday, Sept. 6

Trivia at Wisconsin Brewing Company, 1079 American Way.

Trivia at Sugar River Pizza, 957 Liberty Dr.

Trivia at It's Time Grill & Pub, 608 W. Verona Ave.

7 a.m. to 5 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 7

Come spend the day co-working at Hodge Podge, 160 Keenan Court. They'll provide plenty of electricity, free Wifi, quieter background music, and bottomless drip coffee. Happy hour starts at 3pm and goes until 5pm, so get your team in for bonding after a day of crushing out work.

9:30-10 a.m., Wednesday, Sept. 7

Stories and songs for toddlers and their caregivers. 20-25 minutes. For ages 1 and 2. Masks are encouraged and appreciated. At the library. Register online.

Mike Mudroncik, Stakeholder Liaison, Internal Revenue Service will be presenting on the scams and schemes that the IRS has recently seen. Mike will also provide information on how to respond when you suspect you have encountered one of these. Held at Verona Senior Center.

10:30-11 a.m., Wednesday, Sept. 7

Stories and songs for preschoolers and their caregivers. 20-25 minutes. For ages 3 to 5. Masks are encouraged and appreciated. At the library. Register online.

“Benny and Joon”vet is a 1993 American romantic comedy film about how two eccentric individuals, Sam and Juniper "Joon", find each other and fall in love. Will be shown at Verona Senior Center, 108 Paoli St. Please RSVP by signing up online or call 608-845-7471. Popcorn will be served.

3-6:30 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 7

The Verona Downtown Farmers Market returns to Hometown Junction Park. The 2022 Season will take place from 3-6:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, to October 19. Produce, baked goods, popcorn, eggs, jellies, maple syrup, flowers, candles, and pottery are among the wares that will be sold at the market. There are 25 vendors identified on the market’s website at Many weeks, live music and food trucks also join the market at 101 West Railroad Street.

4:15-5 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 7

Snack and play board games, face off on the Nintendo Switch or SNES, or bring your own device. Masks are encouraged.

Wednesday Night Bike Rides: Riley Tavern

Welcome to yet another season of great riding along the back roads of Dane County. Rides will be between 20 and 35 miles in length and will have short and long options so that riders of differing abilities can participate. Routes have been designed for minimum traffic density and maximum scenery. Most are hilly. Riders usually get together post-ride for pizza to ensure that nobody loses any weight. Riley Tavern, Riley 8205 Klevenville Riley Road.

Verona Area Community Orchestra rehearsals begin

6:30-8:30 p.m., Wednesday, Sept. 7

Join the 80+ others musicians from our area to play music once a week and play in 3 concerts this year. Full orchestra; strings, winds, and percussion. At Verona Area High School. Holst, Brahms, Bernstein, Copland, Weiss. Email to join.

Medicare And Health Insurance Supplements

10 a.m. to Noon, Thursday, Sept. 8

Have questions about Medicare, Health Insurance Supplements, or Drug Coverage or other questions about insurance related to retirement? Deb Harvey and her team from Retirement Specialists, LLC have 20+ years of experience and are available to meet one-onone to answer your questions and explore coverage. There is no fee for this consultation. Retirement Specialists, LLC can also be a great resource while planning your retirement. To schedule a consultation, call VSC at 608-845-7471.

10:30-11 a.m., Thursday, Sept. 8

Stories and songs for children and their caregivers outdoors. 20-25 minutes. Ages 0 to 5. Walk behind the library to find the outdoor story time space. Please watch the library Facebook page for any weather-related cancellations.

Badger Prairie Needs Network new volunteer orientation

1:30-3 p.m., Thursday, September 8

Overview of BPNN, its mission, culture, programs, opportunities to get involved, and how to sign up for shifts. At 1200 E. Verona Ave.

Are you a veteran? Join vets at the Verona Senior Center. Socialize and chat with other local Veterans over some delicious coffee and donuts.

4-5 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 8

Join fellow Pokémon fanatics for a Pokémon related activity at the library. Bring your Gameboy, Switch, or learn to play the trading card game and compete against other kids! Bring your own deck or borrow one of the library’s. Ages 6-11. Masks are encouraged. No registration.

5-6 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 8

Upper Sugar River Watershed Association will be hosting weekly meet-ups for Dragonfly Monitors and those interested in dragonflies throughout the summer. Board President Robert Bohanan will help you to identify dragonflies found around the pond and will answer any questions you may have about monitoring. On Sept. 8, meet at Badger Mill Creek Hwy 69, 3107-3101 County Rd J.

Music: Jesse Bauman and Michael Mikrut

5-8 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 8

Kick back at The Mill Paoli and let Jesse Bauman and Michael Mikrut entertain you with an evening of classic rock and country music. No carry ins. Hosted by My Tipsy Gypsy, Molino Taqueria, The Hop Garden and Sugar River Outfitters. 6890 Paoli Road

6-8 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 8

Ken started playing professionally in high school. In the late 70s, he played with Clyde Stubblefield in Windows and performed with Under the Table, opening for such acts as Tommy James and The Shondells and Gary 'U.S' Bonds. For the last 25 years, Ken has been leading his own groups and has developed an active career as a solo performer and songwriter. He specializes in acoustic finger-style guitar, featured prominently on his CD Jessica's Dreamin'. At Paoli Schoolhouse, 6857 Paoli Road.

6-9 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 8

An acoustic-guitar-based singer/songwriter with Roots, Rock, & Americana song styling. At Sugar River Pizza, 957 Liberty Dr.

6:30-8:30 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 8

Trivia at Hop Haus, 231 S. Main St.

Trivia at Boulder Brewpub, 950 Kimball Lane.

To submit events, contact Community Reporter Neal Patten at

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